The probe into the Thane massacre has revealed that Hasnain Warekar had debts of Rs 68 lakh and the sole survivor has now told police that he used to sexually assault his mentally ill sister, police said Saturday.
“We have found that his debts totaled to nearly Rs 68 lakh. He owed the money primarily to family members. Secondly, Subia has told us that Hasnain had earlier sexually assaulted his 30-year-old mentally ill sister. He realised that the entire family knew about the abuse and that might have prompted him to commit the crime. We are still investigating and verifying all angles,” said Ashok Dumbare, Joint Commissioner, Thane Police.He had invited three more relatives — who had loaned him Rs 15 lakh each — to dinner and intended to kill them all. However, all three declined the invitation. “We have inquired with two aunts and grandfather Gulzar Ahmed, who is 80 years old. Ahmed declined the invitation citing medical reasons and aunts also did not attend. All three were lucky not to have gone as prime facie investigation suggested that Hasnain also wanted to kill people he owed money to,” said an investigator.
“We have found that his debts totaled to nearly Rs 68 lakh. He owed the money primarily to family members. Secondly, Subia has told us that Hasnain had earlier sexually assaulted his 30-year-old mentally ill sister. He realised that the entire family knew about the abuse and that might have prompted him to commit the crime. We are still investigating and verifying all angles,” said Ashok Dumbare, Joint Commissioner, Thane Police.He had invited three more relatives — who had loaned him Rs 15 lakh each — to dinner and intended to kill them all. However, all three declined the invitation. “We have inquired with two aunts and grandfather Gulzar Ahmed, who is 80 years old. Ahmed declined the invitation citing medical reasons and aunts also did not attend. All three were lucky not to have gone as prime facie investigation suggested that Hasnain also wanted to kill people he owed money to,” said an investigator.
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