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Padam who have been sending his earned money in his wife’s account, he discussed with his wife and thought of returning back to Nepal and start his own small business so that he do not have to live far from his love and daughter. But all his dream got de$troyed after his wife did not come to receive him at airport in 2071 Chaitra 15. He did not think that her mobile was just switched off but came to receive him nor did any calls. Rama’s phone is still switched off till this date.Their happiness with each other got more intense after they became parents of a daughter. Padam who kind of spoiled his study because of the love affair had the dream of giving better future and study to their daughter. So with the addition of responsibility on him he was once again pulled to Malaysia in 2068. This time he had good job with good income. He worked there in furniture company and started to earn good. With the development of communication this couple also used to spend their time in phone making love and thinking and dreaming about their better future. nstead of moving forward to make a happy life Padam Bahadur Nepali from Gulmi forget it and engaged listening friendship letter(patramitrata) program which was tuning by radio that time. From then he made friendship relation with Rama Neupane from Gulmi when he was in grade 10. Time interval their friendship relation turns into deep love relation.
They could not be without each other, so they eloped and got married in 2064. Well the desire of bring Rama as his bride showing all to the village but then their caste became the barrier. But they did not have any complaint about it with each other. Living and enjoying in their love this couple left Gulmi and began their new life in Kathmandu. After managing the place to live for his wife Padam Bahadur left for foreign land dreaming about his better future with his wife. It was hard for both of them to forbid goodbye to each other but then the Rama and Padam control their emot!on in order to have better future. After $truggl!ng for two years in Qatar he returned Nepal and once again they live their happily in their love life.
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