Although the mystery between men and women is sure to continue, here are ten proven activities to make your wife happy: Make talk time a daily habit. Don’t allow yourself to become so busy that you can’t spend 15 minutes a day talking with your wife. By the way, the last 15 minutes of your day when you’re utterly exhausted don’t count. If possible, use dinnertime as a place for conversation. If dinner doesn’t work, maybe it’s a five minute phone call at lunch and 10 minutes sitting on the sofa in the evening. Act interested in what your wife has to say. Notice I wrote “act.” I know the things we wives talk about can be boring, long-winded, dramatic or illogical (or all of the above). But if you simply act as if you care about what we’re saying, it means the world to us. Just picture yourself in a board room listening to a boring presentation by your boss. You would still act interested out of respect for your boss. Act interested in your wife’s comments, not always because the conversation is riveting, but because you love your wife.For many husbands, wives can be downright confusing. One night, a husband looks at his wife with puppy dog eyes and suggests romance. She replies in frustration, “Not tonight. Is sex all you men think about?” A few nights later in that very same bed, she might say, “You just watch TV and go to bed. Don’t you find me attractive anymore?” Another husband hears his wife complaining about her need to exercise. He buys her a gym membership. And that’s when the fight begins! There are countless times in marriage when a husband and wife get their wires crossed. No wonder men are confused about how to make their wife happy! Efforts to make your wife happy may seem to backfire more often than not.
CHHUCHI SASU 1 @ New Nepali Short Movie @ 2016
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